Soul Protection
Our Protection is Divine Light
This is an image of what our Torus ofLight might look like
in a particular moment of its perpetual motion and renewal.
We all have at least 7 Toruses of Light
(Divine Light Index 7 - DLX 7)
There are 7 Colour Rays inside each Torus.
Inside the Torus, Colour Rays are constantly intersecting with each other
thus creating a dense, yet mass-less space around us
and this is the foundation of our Light Protection - Soul Protection
Our Own Toruses of Light are circling around us constantly
The Protection can be shattered by the external attacks,
but it can also crumble by the internal stress.
Each of our Torus of Light are encircled
with 7 Layers of Golden Light of Creator
Understanding the mechanism of this Gift and Blessing,
helps us to become more sensitive so that we can feel it constantly,
in order to progress further in Pure Light !